Welcome to our Class Page
Curriculum News
Miss Naismith
Primary 1

Welcome to our Primary 1 class page. 

Term 2 
Primary 1 have worked very hard during Term 1 and I am sure they will continue this hard work in Term 2. 
We have started our spelling programme and have completed our first set of sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n and first set of common words. Primary 1 have been learning to form their letters, identify words beginning with these sounds and are now starting to blend these together to read CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant). We have also started our reading programme which the children have been enjoying. We will be developing our reading comprehension by covering reading skills such as prediction. The children have been working very hard during our writing sessions where we have been developing our black line drawings to make them more detailed. The children have been extending this by writing their sentence starters independently. We have also been working on Narrative, where we have been focusing on describing different literary characters.  

Primary 1 have been learning all about the numbers up to 10 and their different representations. We are nearing the end of our addition to 10 block, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. The children have worked hard during addition, where they have used various practical resources and mental strategies to answer addition questions. We will be moving onto subtraction within 10 shortly.  
We have also started our new Problem-Solving programme. The children have been enjoying working in different groups and experiencing a range of skills to solve different problems and discuss their methods.  

Health and Wellbeing 
Primary 1 have been enjoying their ball skills sessions with primary 2 where we have been working on controlling the ball with hands and feet, aiming at a target and dribbling the ball. We are continuing this learning by working on bat and ball skills. 
Primary 1 will also be working on a new area of P.E. with pupils from the high school. This session will cover Term 2.   
The children have been very engaged during our Emotion Works lessons and are able to identify a variety of emotion words. We are now focusing on the green cog (emotion behaviours), where we have been identifying the behaviours for different emotions.  

The children worked well during our topic of ‘The Farm’. They thoroughly enjoyed learning all about life on the farm, products from the farm and all of the animals we may see on a farm. We are about to start our Science topic of ‘Day and Night’, we will then move onto our next social studies topic of ‘The Supermarket’.  
Miss Naismith (3/11/2023) 

Term 1 
Primary 1 have settled well into their class and it has been wonderful getting to know all of the children. 

We have started our 6 week Literacy programme which builds the foundations of Literacy within Primary 1. The children will develop their skills within listening and talking, writing, vocabulary, comprehension and phonological awareness (hearing and distinguishing sounds). Each week we will focus on a different story, poem, song and nursery rhyme. The children have enjoyed this weeks theme of Fairyland where we have focused on Humpty Dumpty, Each Peach Pear Plum, Talk About a Beanstalk and The Goldilocks Song.  
Once we have completed our programme, we will be moving onto our Active Literacy programme where the children will learn their initial sounds and the first set of common words.  

The children are learning to form the numbers up to 10. They will be learning to count, sort and order numbers up to 10. We will be doing this through a variety of active numeracy activities. The children will start our Number Talks programme next week where we will learn the different representations of numbers and skills such as subitising (recognising amounts without counting). 

Health and Wellbeing 
Primary 1 will have P.E. on a Wednesday and Thursday.  
Could children please bring a P.E. kit with them to school as it makes it easier for them to fully participate in the lessons. If your child wears earrings
and they are not able to be taken out, could they be taped over for P.E. sessions. 

We will be starting with movement, the children will explore different speeds, ways and levels of moving across a hall. 
The children are beginning to explore our Emotion Works programme. We will be discussing and identifying our emotions and feelings through a variety of stories and activities. 


The children will be starting their new topic of ‘The Farm’. We will be working closely with P2 to explore the topic of ‘The Farm’ and learn all about the animals, products and life on the farm. The children will be exploring this topic through activities, such as: role play and investigation etc. 
Miss Naismith (22/08/2023) 

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ADDRESS Milton Primary School Strathaven Road Lesmahagow ML11 ODN
CONTACT Tel. 01555 894282  Email. office@milton-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk
Milton Primary School