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Curriculum News

Mrs Bryceland
Primary 2


I am glad to welcome the children into Primary 2. It is lovely to have them in my class and I look forward to teaching them.


In Term 2 we will be learning new double phonemes after our previous revision block. They are ay, ea, ow, qu , ck, ue, aw , ai, oy, oa and oo. We will continue to work on spelling common words and cvc words by ourselves (consonant, vowel, consonant). We will be introducing nouns, verbs, and adjectives in our grammar work and through our story and sentence writing. We will continue to practise our common words and we will be introduced to new and more difficult common words through our word lists and our reading texts. The reading books are becoming more difficult so they need to be read every night to help with fluency and comprehension. We are working on writing sentences and stories independently using capitals and fullstops.
In Term 2 we are going to be working on subtraction within 20 using written and mental methods to calculate the answers. We will continue to work on our “Numbertalks” cards to help develop mental strategies when calculating addition and subtraction sums. We are also going to be starting problem solving activities and applying different strategies to help work out a solution to the problem. We will be working on direction using compass points and learning about position. We will be learning about symmetry and creating symmetrical shapes and pictures.
Health and Wellbeing 
In P.E which will take place on a Tuesday and a Wednesday the P 2’s will be continuing to work on ball skills using a bat and ball. We will be finishing off working on these skills and will also introduce some simple tennis skills as well. We will be also working on football following on from our block on ball skills and introducing the children to simple moves and football positions, we will hope to be able to put these skills into a simple football game. The P2’s are also working on “Fitness” and “Athletics” in a Tuesday with Mrs Fox.

We will continue to work on hygiene rules as part of HWB, we will be preparing food in our “Structured Play” sessions on a Friday and learning about good food nutrition.

In social subjects we will be learning about “The Supermarket” and will be working alongside P1, we will be learning about how a supermarket is set out and the different jobs in a supermarket. We hope to set up our own supermarket in the classroom and organise a visit to “Tesco” so the children can experience how a real supermarket works. In Science we will be working on the topic “Day and Night” so the children can carry out experiments and activities finding out more about the different times of day with a link to Space. 
Mrs C Bryceland (3/11/23)


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Milton Primary School