Welcome to our Class Page
Curriculum News
Miss Weir
Primary 4

Primary 4
Welcome to our Primary 4 class page where we will be sharing our news and learning with you. We hope you enjoy!
Term Two 

It is hard to believe we are in term two already and steaming our way towards Christmas, however before we get there, we have lots to do! 

Within Literacy this term, Primary 4 will be using the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to focus our reading and writing skills and to give a fun context for learning. We have made a great start to the novel and we are all very excited to see where this adventure takes us. The skills that the children learned in term one, such as, metalinguistics, visualisation and inference will now be applied with more independence. This topic also allows for many opportunities to showcase writing, both imaginatively and for a purpose. Our new area of writing this term will be Explanation and the children will be learning how to structure an explanation and suitable vocabulary. 

After working so well on larger numbers and addition last term we are ready to progress on to using money and latterly multiplication and division. In each of the these subjects the children will be using number talks strategies to encourage mental maths and also they will be using written methods which allow for great numbers and multi-step calculations. Throughout problem solving we are looking at word questions which require looking for key words within the question and carefully breaking the question down in to manageable steps. On the more practical side, the children will experience measure including, weight, length and area. 

Having concentrated on the words to describe our emotions, we are continuing with our Emotion Works programme this term and will be especially thinking about our behaviours. This entails thinking about how our behaviours can at time be very subtle and how we recognise how another person perhaps is feeling and how to empathise. Also within our health programme, the children will be asked to think about similarities, diversity and respect.  
A block of basketball is planned for term two and I am sure that the children will enjoy this as I have seen the beginning of skilled players already. 

As Charlie and the Chocolate Factory covers many subject areas, we will use this to look at the process of making chocolate, healthy choices and Fairtrade. 
We are very much looking forward to performing a class assembly this term and it will be based around our topic of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, more details to come. 
Updated by Miss Weir  

Term One 
It has been wonderful to see Primary 4 settling into our new routine and enjoying being back with one another again after the summer holidays. The children have settled very well and seem excited and ready to get started.

Within Literacy, Primary 4 will be uplevelling their reading by using active reading strategies. This means that they will be learning new vocabulary and using strategies to understand what the text is about. We will study characters, the setting of the book and the plot. The children will be introduced to the skill of metalinguistics and visualisation. We have a time throughout the week when the children will be given an opportunity to enjoy our school library and have a time of ‘reading for enjoyment’. We have already had a chance to visit the library and the children loved it. Primary four will be concentrating on descriptive writing this term. We will be learning how to structure an in-depth description with the use of adjectives and a similes. This in turn will help with our narrative writing as we create imaginative stories. The children will be encouraged to use their learning intentions and success criteria to self-evaluate their work.

A great start has been made on Number Talks and the children a very excited to further this. We will initially look at addition and subtraction strategies which involves looking for ‘friendly numbers’ which the children can easily count on from. We will concentrate on extending our use of numbers and place value. The children will be given the opportunity to become more secure in their four operations (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division) and extend these further with larger numbers. The children will also study 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. This will involves identifying the shapes and stating how many vertices, edges and faces they each have.

It is always important at the start of the year to establish an environment where the children feel valued and respected. We will therefore spend time exploring our health and wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) and discussing what they mean to us, personally. We will work as a team to form a class charter looking at our rights and responsibilities and work hard to maintain this on a daily basis. As the Rights Respecting Committee within the school, we will busy thinking about a charter which would be suitable for the playground and the café.
We will be continuing our work this year with our Emotion Works programme. This is a wonderful way of talking about and describing our thoughts and feelings.

To start our year, we will be concentrating on the science topic, “Body Systems”. This gives us an opportunity to have a deeper understanding of how our bodies work and how to best look after ourselves.

Updated by Miss Weir
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ADDRESS Milton Primary School Strathaven Road Lesmahagow ML11 ODN
CONTACT Tel. 01555 894282  Email. office@milton-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk
Milton Primary School