Welcome to our Class Page
Curriculum News
Mrs Bunten/Mrs Cherry
Primary 7

Welcome to our Primary 7 class page!

Hello and welcome to a new school session. I will be working with Primary 7 for the last half of each week. Wednesday afternoons and all-day Thursday and Friday. I am looking forward to our experiences and learning! Mrs Cherry (22/8/23)

A warm welcome to our Primary 7 class page.  This page will be updated termly to reflect the learning happening within the class and will also include any available dates for your diaries.  Primary 7 is such a busy year in terms of learning, extra activities/responsibilities and transition but I can already tell that the class are ready to rise to the challenge and ready to make themselves, their families and Milton proud.  
Mrs Cherry and I are already exceptionally proud of how well the children have risen to the responsibility of being buddies.  They have already received a wealth of compliments about their manners and how helpful they have been towards the younger children and other staff members.  Well done P7 and keep up the good work! 
Mrs Bunten 23/8/23

Term 2 – Mrs Bunten


This term we will be investigating how to write explanations.  We will be investigating the key features of this text type alongside learning a 4-part structure that will fit any form of explanation writing.
We will be learning about different types of poems including blackout poems for Remembrance Day.  We will learn the pattern and rhythm of a limerick and we will read Alfred Noyes’ poem ‘The Highwayman’, identifying similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia and exploring the effect that these can have on the reader.


In Numeracy, we will complete our learning on decimals and will revise the written methods for multiplying and dividing, including a written approach to long multiplication (e.g. 34 x 56) and long division (e.g. 898 divided by 43).  We will investigate plotting coordinates, with a view to plotting coordinates using negative numbers within four quadrants.  Place value will also be developed to include values up to one billion for most of the class.


This term sees the beginning of the ‘Journey to Lesmahagow High’ transition programme.  Between now and Christmas, the children will be visited by staff from different subject areas so that they can learn a bit more about some of the subjects they will experience in S1.  Science, maths, ABC (Admin Business and Computing) and Design, Engineering and Technology already have dates confirmed with science inviting us over to the science labs too.  This is always exciting for our pupils and makes the transition seem all the more real (sorry parents/carers).


On top of everything else that has been mentioned, we will continue learning about World War 2, train to be Paired Reading buddies to the younger children and learn the technology involved in planning, producing and delivering Radio Raindrop shows – oh, and the small matter of Christmas!

As always, another busy term but plenty of fun to be had!

Mrs Bunten 31.10.23

Term2 - Mrs Cherry

Primary 7 continue to develop their reading skills during literacy lessons and have recently been focusing on the main idea of a text. They are using a range of texts to show comprehension skills. Our focus on nouns is now complete and we are now beginning to explore different verb tenses.

We have worked well through our lessons on data handling and statistics and experienced reading and creating a range of graphs and charts. Primary 7 also recently enjoyed exploring the concept of probability and chance. Our next block of learning will focus on 12/24 hr time, reading timetables and using timetables to plan journeys.

Health and Wellbeing
In P.E Primary 7 are further developing their passing and receiving skills through a range of activities. In another area of Health and Wellbeing pupils are involved in lessons based on Substance Misuse.

Mrs Cherry (2/11/23)


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ADDRESS Milton Primary School Strathaven Road Lesmahagow ML11 ODN
CONTACT Tel. 01555 894282  Email. office@milton-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk
Milton Primary School